## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Read data

Read in data and check.

raw_data <- readxl::read_xlsx("190605_example_data.xlsx") %>%
    mutate(row_id = 1:nrow(.)) # add a row identifier

## # A tibble: 5 x 18
##   species latitude longitude temp_1 temp_2 temp_3 temp_4 temp_5 temp_6
##   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5   9.05  11.1   15.5   19.6    23.1   26.3
## 2 Magnol…     35.7     -93.2   2.45   4.89  10.2   15.5    19.5   23.8
## 3 Magnol…     35.7     -93.2   2.45   4.89  10.2   15.5    19.5   23.8
## 4 Magnol…     43.2     -76.3  -5.33  -4.55   0.98   7.42   13.7   18.5
## 5 Magnol…     35.6     -92.9   2.45   4.89  10.2   15.5    19.5   23.8
## # … with 9 more variables: temp_7 <dbl>, temp_8 <dbl>, temp_9 <dbl>,
## #   temp_10 <dbl>, temp_11 <dbl>, temp_12 <dbl>, valid_cells <dbl>,
## #   warmth_index <dbl>, row_id <int>

Reshape data

I’m reshaping the data from wide to long because having it in a tidy long format makes it easier to reason about unique observations and also to use dplyr to analyse subsets. See the vignette on tidy data for more info. So what I’ve done is pulled the 12 monthly columns into two columns, one indicating the month and one the temperature. I’ve also created a warm column which is a logical (TRUE/FALSE) index of months that were warmer than 5^o

reshaped_data <- raw_data %>%
    tidyr::gather(key = "month", value = "temp", temp_1:temp_12) %>%
    mutate(month = stringr::str_remove(month, "temp_") %>% readr::parse_number(),
           warm = case_when(temp > 5 ~ TRUE,
                            TRUE ~ FALSE))

## # A tibble: 60 x 9
##    species latitude longitude valid_cells warmth_index row_id month  temp
##    <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>  <int> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12        170.       1     1  9.05
##  2 Magnol…     35.7     -93.2           9        123.       2     1  2.45
##  3 Magnol…     35.7     -93.2           9        123.       3     1  2.45
##  4 Magnol…     43.2     -76.3           7         73.8      4     1 -5.33
##  5 Magnol…     35.6     -92.9           9        123.       5     1  2.45
##  6 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12        170.       1     2 11.1 
##  7 Magnol…     35.7     -93.2           9        123.       2     2  4.89
##  8 Magnol…     35.7     -93.2           9        123.       3     2  4.89
##  9 Magnol…     43.2     -76.3           7         73.8      4     2 -4.55
## 10 Magnol…     35.6     -92.9           9        123.       5     2  4.89
## # … with 50 more rows, and 1 more variable: warm <lgl>

warmth_index function

Next I wrote a function to calculate warmth index given a logical vector of warmth and a vector of temperatures temp.

warmth_index <- function(warm, temp){
    warm_months <- sum(warm)
    temp_sum <- sum(warm * temp) # when multiplied, the warm logical vector becomes 0 & 1
    temp_sum - (5 * warm_months)

Apply the functions on subsets for each row_id

Now I can use dplyrs group_by and summarise function to calculate warmth index for each row_id in a new column called warmth_index_r.

warmth_index_df <- reshaped_data %>% 
    group_by(row_id) %>%
    summarise(warmth_index_r = warmth_index(warm, temp))

## # A tibble: 5 x 2
##   row_id warmth_index_r
##    <int>          <dbl>
## 1      1          170. 
## 2      2          123. 
## 3      3          123. 
## 4      4           73.8
## 5      5          123.

Join the results to the original data

I can now join the results to the original raw_data.

results <- left_join(raw_data, warmth_index_df, by = "row_id") 

You can inspect that the calculation worked as expected by comparing the two warmth_index columns

results %>% select(warmth_index, warmth_index_r, everything())
## # A tibble: 5 x 19
##   warmth_index warmth_index_r species latitude longitude temp_1 temp_2
##          <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1        170.           170.  Magnol…     31.0     -91.5   9.05  11.1 
## 2        123.           123.  Magnol…     35.7     -93.2   2.45   4.89
## 3        123.           123.  Magnol…     35.7     -93.2   2.45   4.89
## 4         73.8           73.8 Magnol…     43.2     -76.3  -5.33  -4.55
## 5        123.           123.  Magnol…     35.6     -92.9   2.45   4.89
## # … with 12 more variables: temp_3 <dbl>, temp_4 <dbl>, temp_5 <dbl>,
## #   temp_6 <dbl>, temp_7 <dbl>, temp_8 <dbl>, temp_9 <dbl>, temp_10 <dbl>,
## #   temp_11 <dbl>, temp_12 <dbl>, valid_cells <dbl>, row_id <int>

If you prefer, ie if you want to continue using the tidy (long) version of the data, you can join the results to that instead and carry on working. It just repeats the calculated value for each month of the same row_id.

tidy_results <- left_join(reshaped_data, warmth_index_df, by = "row_id")

tidy_results %>% arrange(row_id)
## # A tibble: 60 x 10
##    species latitude longitude valid_cells warmth_index row_id month  temp
##    <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>  <int> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     1  9.05
##  2 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     2 11.1 
##  3 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     3 15.5 
##  4 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     4 19.6 
##  5 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     5 23.1 
##  6 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     6 26.3 
##  7 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     7 27.6 
##  8 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     8 27.3 
##  9 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1     9 25.0 
## 10 Magnol…     31.0     -91.5          12         170.      1    10 19.7 
## # … with 50 more rows, and 2 more variables: warm <lgl>,
## #   warmth_index_r <dbl>