mypackage hello.R

hello.R in mypackage should contain thehello function definition, documented with Roxygen documentation.

#' Hello World!
#' Print personalised hello greeting from me.
#' @param name character string. Your name!
#' @return prints hello greeting to console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hello()
#' hello("Lucy Elen")
hello <- function(name = NULL) {
    # create greeting
    if(is.null(name)){name <- "world"}
    greeting <- paste("Hello", name, "from Anna!")

    # randomly sample an animal
    animal_names <- names(cowsay::animals)
    i <- sample(1:length(animal_names), 1)

    cowsay::say(greeting, animal_names[i])


# `mypackage` `test-hello.R`

`test-hello.R` in `mypackage` should contain the test for the `hello` function.
test_that("hello works", {