Intro to R & Rstudio


R is an open source language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.


  • Powerful analytical tools, well suited to scientific analyses and data science.
  • Analyses are performed using scripted commands, making them easy to record, edit, rerun.
  • Source code is open, ie available to access, inspect, modify remix and publish derivatives.
  • Large, active creative communities around development and training.
  • Ecosystem constantly under development with continuous improvements.

R Environment includes:

  • an effective data handling and storage facility,
  • a suite of operators for calculations on arrays,
  • a large, coherent, integrated collection of intermediate tools for data analysis,
  • graphical facilities for data analysis and display either on-screen or on hardcopy,
  • a well-developed, simple and effective programming language which includes conditionals, loops, user-defined functions and input and output facilities.


integrated development environment (IDE) for R


  • console
  • syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as
  • tools for:
    • plotting
    • debugging
    • workspace management

Find out more

Working with R in Rstudio cloud

We will be working online in RStudio Cloud throughout the course so we can all work in the same computational environment. This will save a lot of time by avoiding having to debug individual installation problems.

To start working in R and Rstudio, we need to log in to Rstudio cloud:

Launch Rstudio Cloud

This will normally end up with logging you into your account workspace. To start working in R, we need to create a new project. Click on New Project

This creates and deploys a new untitled Rstudio cloud project in your Workspace.

Edit the project names by clicking on Untitled. Name it something like r_basics

We are now in Rstudio, running in the cloud and can start running R code!